SFIA Certified Contractors
 South Valley Drywall Littleton, Colorado Contact: Travis Vap (303) 470-0116 www.southvalleydrywall.com/ [email protected]
South Valley Drywall has been providing exceptional metal stud and drywall construction since 1976. As an award-winning leader in the industry, they offer a wide variety of quality products and performance-engineered systems to meet their clients' commercial, industrial and residential needs. Learn more here.
 Ronsco, Inc. New York, NY Contact: Lee Zaretzky, President (212) 627-0500 www.ronscoinc.com/ [email protected]
Founded in 1960, Ronsco is a New York City based full-service union carpentry contracting company. We provide the highest quality union craftsmanship and specialize in detailed, complex, challenging construction projects to meet the needs of the most demanding clients. Learn more here.
 Life Drywall Systems Toronto, Ontario Contact: Chris Sliskovic (416) 275-5682 www.lifedrywallsystems.ca/ [email protected]
Life Drywall Systems has more than 15 years of experience in residential, commercial and industrial drywall construction throughout the greater Toronto area. The company specializes in metal framing, gypsum board assemblies, acoustical ceilings, and insulation. Learn more here.
 Thorne Associates, Inc. 1450 W Randolph St Chicago, Illinois 60607 Contact: Dan Degnan (312) 738-5237 www.thorneassociates.com/ [email protected]
Thorne Associates, Inc. is the premier specialty subcontractor in the greater Chicago and surrounding Midwest region. The company was started in 1986 by father and son, Parker and Dana Thorne. Thorne prides itself on partnering with our customers using a non-adversarial approach while offering exemplary service. No project is too small or too large! Thorne provides equal attention and performance on projects as small as hanging a door and as large as building a new hospital or convention center. In every operation, Thorne is wholly committed to their core business philosophy. Learn more here.
SFIA Certified Truss Fabricators
 Lamp Metal Trusses, Inc. Lula, Georgia Contact: Cassie Nix (770) 539-9366 www.lampmetaltrusses.com/ [email protected]
Lamp Metal Trusses, Inc. is a top provider of turn-key construction subcontractor specializing in cold-formed steel roof trusses and roof decking systems. Utilizing light-gauge steel, Lamp Metal Trusses, Inc. will design, engineer, fabricate, and install to your exact project requirements. With 30 years of pioneering in the steel roof truss and roof deck industry, we’ve grown to serve customers with offices in Ohio, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. Learn more here.
Shrock Prefab 614 North Spring Street Loudonville, OH 44842 Contact: John Kauffman (419) 994-1900 www.shrockprefab.com
[email protected]
Since 2004, Shrock Prefab has built the reputation as a premier supplier of pre-fabricated cold-formed steel building components. Shrock is dedicated to integrity, honesty, and quality. With in-house engineering, BIM, and design capabilities, Shrock can take a project from concept through delivery with expertise. Whether a load-bearing structure or high rise curtain wall application, Shrock has the experience and track record to deliver on time and accurate framing solutions to the project site. Learn more here.
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