There are 12 classes of SFIA membership, each with specific requirements that must be met. Article IV.1 of the SFIA Bylaws contains the requirements for eligibility.

Manufacturer Member. Any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or entity regularly engaged in the manufacture on the North American continent of cold-formed steel framing members is eligible to become a Manufacturer Member of SFIA only if it meets the following terms and conditions:

(1) Must either

(i) have been actively manufacturing cold-formed steel framing members for at least one year or be a majority owned subsidiary or affiliated entity of a company that has been actively manufacturing cold-formed steel framing members for at least one year,


(ii) have acquired a company or transfer a majority of the assets of an existing company, with managers that have at least one year of experience in manufacturing cold-formed steel framing members.

(2) Must comply with the International Code Council’s International Building Code and the International Residential Code.

(3) Manufacturer shall utilize a Professional Engineer when required.

(4) Must submit a current copy of product literature.

(5) Must abide by the Code of Ethics as approved by the Board of Directors.

(6) All facilities owned or operated by the manufacturer member, directly or indirectly, shall be included in the manufacturer’s membership.

(7) Must participate in the SFIA independent Code Compliance Certification Program for steel framing members and will accordingly be entitled to utilize SFIA evaluation reports.

Mandatory:  Stud Code Compliance Certification Program
To ensure the integrity of certification, the program is administered by a recognized independent third party, Intertek, who periodically performs unannounced visits at the member plants and audits individual products.  Both structural and nonstructural stud and track products are tested for their mechanical properties, coatings, dimensions, and labels.  Panels and trusses are also labeled under the program but are not a certified assembly. 

Optional: Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0224
Published by Intertek, Code Compliance Research Reports (CCRRs) demonstrate to building officials that your standard products meets the relevant codes. (CCRRs) can provide building officials with the information they need to approve the use of your building construction.

OptionalICC-ESR 4205 Report
Published by the ICC Evaluation Service, Evaluation reports from ICC Evaluation Service® are the most preferred resource used by code officials to verify that new and innovative building products comply with code requirements. The evaluation reports provide information about what code requirements or acceptance criteria were used to evaluate the product, how the product should be installed to meet the requirements, how to identify the product, and much more.

Annual costs 2024  
SFIA Annual Membership Dues $20,000 per facility (prorated quarterly)
Stud Code Compliance Certification Program $6,780 per facility (estimated and Administered by Intertek)
Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0224 $ 1450 per Company
ICC-ESR 4205 Report
  • Report listing fee

$1777.77 per Company

  • Site Inspection

$2845 per facility

  • Self Assessment review

$395 per facility

 *$1000 credit available to Manufacturer companies that participate in the Quarterly Volume Survey.

Complimentary CFSEI membership
SFIA Manufacturer Membership includes a complimentary membership in the CFSEI, including all pertinent discounts and free access to Tech Notes, webinars and other CFSEI resources

 Manufacturer Application


For Membership or Compliance questions please reach out to Holly Mellinger